Time : 10.25a.m (the last post was posted on the same date but different time as in 1a.m.???)
You wondering why are we cooking lunch so early at 10?
It's because my brother, Garion's transport to school is coming at 12 in noon and well, little boy has to EAT!
Gosh! I wish I'm a boy.
A boy needn't care about how they weigh.(ofcoursetheydoorelseeverymanwillbeobese!)
They can dress as simple as they want not caring what other's thinking because no matter how they dress, they will;no matter what; LOOK GOOD!
A simple tee shirt and a jeans will do!
But noooooo.. not for a girl. The female species of Homosapien in the planet Earth, has to be PRETTY, ELEGANT, POLITE, ... wait!!
Why do GIRLS(with bitchy tone) has to be all that?
Why do we have to deal with all those expectations??
Conclusion, menareeasiertobethanwomen.
If you don't understand, I'll teach you. Copy and paste that and replace the alphabets with big letters; MAETBTW.
If it's still UN-understandable then I can't help you.
To conclude with this post, I would like to show you the only way to make me STOP the feeling of wanting to become a man.
Hope you enjoy.
Ps: My dad just massage my shoulder and say, "STUDY ARRRR"..
I'll go study now.
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