I finished few papers that I have now forget what paper was it.
BM was okay for me, English was kinda hard, History was very.. well.. HISTORICAL. It's so ancient I don't even know what the question was. Maths very scary but I still got through it and today I had Moral paper.
For the first time in my school years, this is the hardest I studied.
Not even during for my mid-term or final exam I have ever studied so hard and guess what???
I feel SMART.
I feel that I'm smarter than a normal people but then how can I get 11years + 2years( Kindergarten ) of schooling in few days of studying right?
Anyway, I'm gonna stop about the exam.. I hate talking (or typing) about exams and studying.. so...
I am feeling SOOOOOOOOOOO nervous, sad, excited, happy, gloomy, ya da ya da, ...etc. about last days of school! I can't believe that I'm leaving school in less than a MONTH!
Whenever I see older peoples (just a few years above me) working or currently study at college or U, never once I think about me in their place.
I've always think of myself as someone who drags myself to school every morning and seriously, I used to wish that time can run faster so that I can get out of school and start my own life.
But since my time is really running so fast it's disheartening to think that my school life's gonna end very, very, VERY soon. [sobs]
SO sad.......... saddest part is, my allowance gonna end too. [WUAHH...] How? How?
And now, I have [blank] in my mind on what to post so I think I better and or else I'm gonna type in something crazy.