Wednesday, September 29


She's back.
Should I be happy that I'm gonna be ordered around by someone much 'SUPERIOR' or happy that I have someone that can be talked to?
Anywhoo~ I'm happy. :D

Geezz.. I'm getting boring by the second.. and by 'boring', YES. I am boring. Nothing is interested anymore in my post and when I have interesting stories to tell, I am lazy to post anything.. *stare at keyboard*..
No one will read any of it anyway. Not like any of my friend's blog. THEIR best friends will read it because they seem to CARE. SOME 'best friend' would take notice of their best friend's changes. Some 'best friend' would ask when their best friend is being silent all of the sudden. Well.. some BEST FRIEND wouldn't ask some people to trust them when they know they themselves cannot be trusted! Some BEST FRIEND won't simply say out her problems and confront to other strangers and NOT TELL HER BESTFRIEND about it!!!

I am disappointed in you. Oh yeah, you wouldn't know because YOU DON'T VIEW MY FUCKING BLOG!! Well.. BOOHOO!!! You are PATHETIC, SELF-PITY, TWO-FACED 'friend'.
Or I would call you,

Ps: YOU are my classmate.

Ps II : This headache is seriously gonna force me into anger management.

*signing off*

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