Wednesday, September 29


She's back.
Should I be happy that I'm gonna be ordered around by someone much 'SUPERIOR' or happy that I have someone that can be talked to?
Anywhoo~ I'm happy. :D

Geezz.. I'm getting boring by the second.. and by 'boring', YES. I am boring. Nothing is interested anymore in my post and when I have interesting stories to tell, I am lazy to post anything.. *stare at keyboard*..
No one will read any of it anyway. Not like any of my friend's blog. THEIR best friends will read it because they seem to CARE. SOME 'best friend' would take notice of their best friend's changes. Some 'best friend' would ask when their best friend is being silent all of the sudden. Well.. some BEST FRIEND wouldn't ask some people to trust them when they know they themselves cannot be trusted! Some BEST FRIEND won't simply say out her problems and confront to other strangers and NOT TELL HER BESTFRIEND about it!!!

I am disappointed in you. Oh yeah, you wouldn't know because YOU DON'T VIEW MY FUCKING BLOG!! Well.. BOOHOO!!! You are PATHETIC, SELF-PITY, TWO-FACED 'friend'.
Or I would call you,

Ps: YOU are my classmate.

Ps II : This headache is seriously gonna force me into anger management.

*signing off*

Wednesday, September 22


Wednesday, September 15


As you can see, the picture above is NOT me.
"Then who?", you asked?
Well, it's non other than my B-E-A-U-tiful MOTHER of mine!
This post is about her obviously by the picture and the title clearly says HAPPY BIRTHDAY so there it is...


There are no other mom in this world that would love being childish than me other than you and I love you for being this way. You cheer me up with your silly doings and yeah, I've been often throwing silly tantrums for the SMALLEST reasons and I want to apologize to that. I'm sorry for those childish behavior of mine and all I want to say is, YOU ARE THE GREATEST MOM ON EARTH!!!
(it sounds sooo WRONG)
And, mommy, you did a great job raising us and NO ONE should ever say that you did not.
Anyway who says that are all FUCKING ASSHOLE coz' you know what? THEY ARE DUMB FUCKING ASS and if you did not raise us up the way you did, we'll be taking drugs and smoke and doing all kinda stupid brainless stuff that brainless people do. Soo....... DON'T EVER let people condemn you and your mind by saying that you don't know how to raise your child. LOVES...

From your daughter, MARISSA.

ps : sorry for the censored words. :P

Saturday, September 11

WTF is wrong with me?!

Fucking insomnia's kicking in again tonight. Damnit it's 4.30a.m already and my brain is tired, my body is worn out, but my freaking eye won't close.

I thought of this while I'm lying on my bed just now,:-
"Nightmare isn't about having bad dreams. To me, it only means having to wake up knowing that everything was fake."

Ain't it true?
In one moment when you thought everything is going the way it should be then the next,"BAMM"!! It is only a dream.

Maybe I'm unlucky because whatever I wished and hoped for, doesn't seem to come true. It's only something beyond my reach.

Whatever, forget about it. I'm gonna waste my time counting sheeps and cockroaches in my house. I hate you BTW.

Friday, September 10

coffee makes me go VA-VA-VOOM!!!!

Well well well.. it's 5a.m in the morning and I haven't sleep for the day yet and still very hyper!
I did sit-ups, jumping jacks and just run around in the house. Am I silly or what? Plus, I had a cup of Kopi-O!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm officially crazy. It's stupid. These few days of insomnia and now I can't sleep. What has gotten into me???? Is it because of the preparation of exams or what? I don't think it's because of that.

Anyway, I'm happy to say that I'm not afraid to admit that I am BORED. OF. LIFE. There! I've said it. Better yet, I've typed it! It's like, whenever I'm not out with my friends or family, I'm only at home, doing nothing. I never felt so bloody bored before! Is it because that before this I had HIM to waste my time on? Or is it just that before this I know how to spend my time? Anyhow, I just want to STOP feeling this way. I want someone to waste my time with. ='[ I hate having this feeling. FUCKING feeling. Maybe I'm sick of being single. SICK SICK SICK!

Thursday, September 2

I have no idea what title to put it.

Everyday is another new day.
Never wish what had happened, happened.
We can only look it back and smile because if not because of it, we are not who we are NOW.