Saturday, June 12

Wonders of Life

can anyone heal this heart?

This holiday are both awesome and also depressing. Things and memories from the past have been haunting me every single day during the holiday. I mean, have I done something SOOOO bad that I have to suffer like this?
Okay, I know that I hurt you, and I really know and appreciates it when you treated me so good and kind before...
But you yourself know that it's not working out between us right?
I mean, must you be SO obvious that you are happy without me? Or must you show me every single thing that proves you're over me by picking on my feelings?
It has already been hard for me to have you taking my friends away from me and made me feel left out, how can you do any more worse?
I really can't BELIEVE that any person will do this over a stupid BREAK-UP?
But honestly, I have to thank you because you have shown me the true faces of the 'friends' I have. Let's just say, they are not who I think they are. I thank you! But other that that, PLEASE!! Stop making me so miserable!

Moreover, these past few days, Mr.A has been calling me on and off. Making me feel this kinda eager to answer his calls, you know?
'the heck?
Is everyone planning to murder me this holiday through mentally abusing me?
Well, success is now in the palm of his hand because he's already making me feeling like a SHIT since the past 4 days.


Do you know the feeling of when you want to cry, but the tears can't seem to come out?
Have you ever try to smile, but it's not always with sincerity?
Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like being isolated, yet has the urge of being neede

THIS is the 'pre-hell' I'm facing through right now!


"I am lost in the valley of darkness"

This is the time when I need someone who can motivate me. Someone who can smack the whole sense of living in this world and wake me up from my childish nightmare.
Someone who can give me strength to overcome my ultimate fear, FAILURE.
And that only person is sadly in other place. Far away.
I have to slowly,[and hopefully with patience if I have any] to wait for her to come back at the end of the year.
I need her. Now. I really do.

I need a shoulder to cry on.

PS: I just cleared my cupboard and threw some clothes away. *Phew*! I threw out the unused clothes away and feel so damn freakin' FREE! Why can't I feel the same about life?

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