I guess it's probably time for a proper update. These days I hardly blog because of how F***-ing tired I am of life. I cannot seem to think of ANYTHING interesting to blog about my day. It's always the same thing. School, eat, TV, shit, eat, TV, work, sleep and when I'm not working it's school, eat, TV, sleep, eat, TV, sleep. How about study?? Nah... I hate it. Books.. it's for geeks. I just want to learn things in a more fun way. Can't the teachers give us that?? Why does it have to be BOOKS?? Text book, exercise books, revisions books, cloned-exam paper books.. WTF??! Stop it with the books. The only time when I am reading book is when it's time to sleep. I opened my book the *POOFs*.. I'm asleep.
But what to do... our country's education system is so B-O-R-I-N-G that even when a teacher opens their mouth I can fall asleep. EL OH EL!! I just feel so sick of the way they teaches us.. some teachers thought they know what our problem is but the truth is they don't even have a CLUE!
Back to what I wanna say is that I feel bored. I feel there's no fun in learning anymore.
Plus, my freaking CAMERA's f***ing battery has gone missing and I can't take pictures anymore!!!! FML. I have so many to complain about but it'll be a waste of time so I'll just keep it in my heart and who knows when I'll burst everything out?
I won't care.
I'll just get on with my life.
Cheerfully and always with a smile on my face so nobody will know how my life goes and let them see I am strong to handle my own problems. It's better than running away from it. Anyway.. Signing off.
♥Toodles ♥